&’ was founded by Emmi Keskisarja and Janne Teräsvirta with the aim to merge Academic Ambition, Professional Capability and Creative Freedom. Our approach can be described by explaining our logo:


Break the shape down and you will find an “e”, standing for Emmi and a “j”, for Janne. They represent the personal involvement, care and commitment that we invest in everything we do.

The ampersand underlines collaboration and teamwork - in the office as well as with clients and specialists. More so it symbolizes the path that a design process is. We intently shape each process to ensure they are inclusive and fitted to the task at hand.

The apostrophe behind the “&” marks the outcome: The design we create through the journey taken with you. Good architecture is about elegant gestures that turn seemingly usual objects – such as an ampersand – into something new, characteristic and meaningful.

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